No Images are Public Domain
All images on this site are the copyright property of Kevin Allen and protected under International copyright laws. No copying, reproduction or manipulation is permitted unless with express written authority of Kevin Allen. Fair use is not an excuse.
You have the right to use the images in limited applications (see below), but not the right to distribute, sell or use the images in any other way.
You have the right to use the images in comps, layouts for in-house presentations, rough draft designs for your clients, story-boards, or other comps for yourself or your customers.
That is the full extent of reproduction rights that are granted.
For all other uses, you must obtain a chargeable reproduction licence by contacting the author of the work, Kevin Allen.
Without such a reproduction licence you are not permitted to use the images for advertising, brochures, editorial publications, public multimedia presentations or any other uses. You may not sell, publish, license or otherwise distribute any of the photographs. You may not place copies of the images on electronic bulletin boards or any other websites.